Nifty Neon Sign! Got it for Christmas from the Boys! Thank you!
This is the LAB…
This is the latest picture of the LAB (1/27). Re-arranged, new shelving and the new i-fast printer on a lower and very strong/sturdy table.Here’s another viewA Laser engraved sign on the door!
OMTech Laser Cutter/Engraver – This is big and heavy. It has a work area of 16 x 24 inches.These are the Bed Slingers. They are older style filament printers. The newest one (as of 2/10) is on the right. It is a JGMaker Artist-D. It has independent dual extruders (known as IDEX). It can print two different things at the same time, duplicates, mirror images, 2-color prints or support material from a different type of filament. It was a bargain on line at $199, or was it?Another view of the Bed Slingers. Notice the Octoprint cameras on custom stands for each one.The JGMaker Artist-D working on a 2 color print.QIDI X-MAX 3D Filament Printer – This is a great printer. It produces very nice prints with little effort and can print a huge variety of materials (filaments). It includes an extra high temperature printhead and the build chamber is enclosed and ventilated.This is the QUDI X-MAX the day it arrived. It’s a surprisingly large box, and very heavy.QIDI i-fast filament 3D printer – NEW as of 1/25/2022. It has dual extruders that allow printing two different filaments at the same time or printing dissolvable to act as temporary support for objects that don’t or can’t touch the build plate.The i-fast arrived in a huge and heavy box.The i-fast was very well packed.Anycubic Photon Mono-X 3D Resin Printer – Resin 3D printers can produce very nice results. They are higher precision and faster than filament 3D printers. The resin is messy to deal with and you can’t touch it or breath the vapors. There are post processing steps including cleaning the print in a warm ultrasonic cleaning tank full of Isopropyl alcohol. You also must battle gravity.Creality Sermoon D1 – This is another semi-enclosed filament printer. It’s a nice accurate printer. It takes time to build and get set-up right. Not recommended for someone new to 3D printing. Once dialed in, however, it produces extremely nice prints. I ordered a custom cut piece of tempered glass for it and then stuck a thin piece of PEI plastic sheet on it. This makes a superior build plate.Mingda D2 3D Filament Printer – The Mingda is an on-again / off-again printer. It’s original print head was destroyed in an attempt to fix it. I attempted to replace it with a direct drive head for a Creality Ender 3, but there were compatibility issues with the block heater, thermistor, and stepper motor. I was able to re-fit the old parts to the new head, and for now, the Mingda is working again. It isn’t as refined as the other 3d printers, but it can make decent products if you give it a chance.CNC Machine – This is known as a 3018 because it’s 300 mm wide and travels in the “Y” direction 180 mm. That is small, but it is all metal and extremely precise. I have cut metal car keys on it by scanning and original picture of the key and loading the result into the CAM software (EstlCAM).